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Board of Stewardship


The Board of Stewardship promotes the ideals of stewardship, mission, fellowship and public interest with the Church.  The Board maintains public relations and encourage the systematic giving of time, talent and money to the Church's ongoing program and mission.

Our Committee


Nicole Andrade

Eileen Hirota

Jennifer Hirota-Tulikihihifo

Meri Peter


Annual Luau

Our 43rd annual Church Luau will be held on Saturday, August 3rd.  Tickets coming soon.  

Mahalo nui loa for your continued support of our

annual luau. Know that your kokua helps us to continue the mission and ministry of this Ekalesia o Lili`uokalani


Luau Chair:                        John Hirota

Luau Entertainment Chair:   Eileen Hirota

Kalua Pig Fundraiser

Our annual Spring Kalua Pig Fundraiser is set for Saturday, April 6, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  A donation of $8.00 per pound, just in tie for your Easter celebration.  

We will also have our front booth with our kalua pig plate lunches, baked goods, jams and jellies.  This year we will also be featuring craft vendors.  Please call our office at  637-9364 if you would like to reserve tickets.



UCC Missions

In conjunction with UCC Churches around the country, Liliuʻokalani Protestant Church participates in four annual missions:


One Great Hour of Sharing: Giving Help, Hope and Life
Supports partners in more than 70 countries with ministries that fund development projects, feed the victims of famine, provide services for displaced people, and respond to natural disasters. These ministries are the responsibility of Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources. Received annually on the fourth Sunday in Lent.


Strengthen the Church: Faithfully Building the Body of Christ
Supports church growth and leadership development in the conferences and through the national offices of Local Church Ministries. Received annually on Pentecost Sunday.


Neighbors in Need: Justice and Compassion Like a Mighty Stream
Supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, including ministry carried out by the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM) and by the national offices of Justice and Witness Ministries. Received annually on World Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of October.


The Christmas Fund: Remembering Those Who Serve Our Church
Provides financial aid to retired and active ministers and their surviving spouses and children who face overwhelming financial demands, a ministry carried out by the Pension Boards. Received annually on the Sunday before Christmas.



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